Monday, September 20, 2010

Decision... Decisions... Decisions...

Being a new mom has posed many new important decisions for what is best for my child. Everyone wants the best for their own child and what is best for one child may be completely different from what is best for another. So when I write about what I feel is the best for my child may not be something some agree is the best decision. But in my heart of hearts this is what Chris and I have agreed is best for our child at this point. Currently one of our important decisions we have made is whether or not to feed Micah store bought baby food. Now I am not a health nut but I don't see why as a parent we can't just make our children their own food. I mean I am not eating food out of a can so why should he. The convenience factor is definitely there but as a stay at home mom my #1 job is to take care of my child and a few hours of cooking for him is something that I find to be a satisfying and rewarding decision. So as Micah prepares to eat his first new foods. I am going to be preparing these meals for him.


Krista Adamow said...

I agree with you. When we have kids, my first purchase (after a comfy rocking chair) will be a food processor. If you guys need help moving in, just let us know. Did you guys find a house?

BryanandErica said...

Making all of Hudsons food has been such a rewarding process for me!!! Before we were able to by the babycook I bought him baby sweet potatoes and he HATED them! Once I started making his sweet potatoes he completely changed his mind about them and now LOVES them! I would HIGHLY suggest the Beaba Babycook from William Sonoma. While it is alittle pricy, I think it is definitely worth it!