Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bring on the Rain!

It sure has been raining a whole lot here in Dominica since we got back. Which when I look at it, it is an amazing blessing because it will drop the temperature. Normally if you walk outside it will make you sweat just by standing outside but with the rain you can actually function in a normal manner. But obviously with the blessings of rain their also come some other complications. For example, it makes the water brown. So we won't have running water to use because it is so contaminated. I guess the water system can't cycle the water quickly enough to produce clean water when it rains all day long. So when we don't have clean water to use we have to brush our teeth with bottled water, not clean the dishes, and no showers. Well eventually they will turn the water off so that they can clean up the water system so when that happens we have to have even more extra water to flush the toilets and well also to drink. Now some of that may seem really awful because you have never had to deal with any of those situations but honestly I would rather have those problems than to be sweltering hot with the sun.  I guess that kind of puts me in the wrong place because well its always hot. 

Some other new news. My camera has gone to camera heaven. I am not sure what happened but it won't take a clear picture. It is completely blurry. So I guess for awhile I will only be able to post pictures and video that I take on my video camera. So sorry for the lack of pictures that are to come.  

Christopher is almost complete with week 2 of class and well I think they are really working them this semester. Most days Christopher will have class from 8am to 5pm with an hour for lunch. Well this may not be so bad but it is when he has no time to study. His nights of freedom are now completely gone. He is not going to be coming home to have meals with me anymore, my new job is to take his meals to him. So I will bring him lunch and then I will again bring dinner up to campus. I know that he doesn't think the information he is learning is any harder than what it was last semester I think it is just a lot more, obviously. But he is doing so good. I am very proud of him. After this semester, God willing, Christopher will be done with his first year of medical school and one full year closer to becoming Dr. Shadid. Boy doesn't that sound good. Haha! A dream come true. We are so thankful that God gave us this opportunity to go after Christopher's lifelong dream. What a blessing. 

Well for my life right now, well... I don't really do much. Last night I practically cut my finger off while making dinner. But don't worry I am going to live. I am not sure how I did it but I felt like I cut through half my pinkie. Christopher thought that I needed to go get stitches, and I probably did because it bled for like 45 minutes. But today is a new day and we are doing great. Haha! I have taken up a new hobby of knitting, and I absolutely love it. It is so fun and in a weird way really occupies my time. I think that is a better hobby for me than baking all the time because when I bake I feel the obligation to try everything, you know because you don't want to serve anything that doesn't taste good. Haha! But hopefully one of these days I will be good enough at knitting that I an actually make something that is worth my time. 

I also started my bible study for this semester and I really like it. We have 10 girls in our group this time, which is bigger than last semester, but it has really been great so far. We are doing the study by Jerry Bridges called Trusting God and it is about the sovereignty of God and it is awesome. Now I have only done the first chapter but if you are looking for a good bible study, I would highly recommend it. You can even do it on your own if you don't have a bible study. It is great! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katy, I love your countdown clock! It is ticking off by the second! ha ha Love you Mom