There is this new deal going around on facebook to create 25 things about you. It is kind of like a chain letter, and I have yet to fall into the trend until today when I decided I was bored enough to do it. So here you go, I hope you enjoy it.
- I want a dog more than anything in the world, and have for about 5 years now. But I am patiently waiting for the right time to come for me to get one.
- I am a planner and have encountered a life in which I can't plan my future.
- I have lived in 4 places, 3 countries, and 2 different states within a year and the only place I desire to live is in Oklahoma.
- I love my family more than anything and can't wait to live near them again.
- I have learned that there is nothing more powerful than the grace of God and that no matter the situation you can always make it through if you have faith in Him.
- I love the peacefulness of being by myself. I feel like being alone energizes me.
- I truly believe that my husband was created for me. And it is by the grace of God that he loves me everyday.
- I feel like I have failed the day if I don't make my bed.
- I have learned since I moved away from home that my love language is quality time. I could sit on the phone with anyone and not say anything just because I know they are sitting on the phone with me (I know it drives my Mom and Dad crazy)
- I always have sweaty hands and if they aren't sweating and I think about it, they will sweat.
- I broke my leg in high school and will never forget my Dad carrying me off the field, he is always there for me and always will be.
- I hate walking barefoot. I love to have socks on or walk on carpet.
- I believe that the best thing for my marriage was for us to move away from home.
- I love the cake shows on the food network and wishfully want to own a bakery.
- I love that I am just like my Mom, from our mannerisms to our desire to honor and glorify God.
- I have crooked pinkies and I think it's awesome.
- Having a brother and a sister is like the best thing in the world, and I love being the middle child.
- I require at least 8 hours of sleep. If I see past midnight it is a special occasion.
- I love going to movies but have only seen like 5 movies in the theater in the last 7 years because my husband hates them.
- I secretly want to star as Elfaba on the broadway show Wicked (I guess its not so secret anymore). Although God didn't grant me with the gift of singing, dancing, or acting.
- I have a weakness for candy.
- My best friends in the world are those that I don't have to talk to everyday or see very often but when we get together it is like we were never apart.
- I wish I could remember all of the bible verses I learned when I was little, I think I will make this my new goal in life.
- I would rather take a road trip than fly.
- I have learned the power of prayer. It makes everything better.
I love that you love family! I don't mind just sitting on the phone with you. I think you are an incredible young lady. I love you. mom
#13 - Me too!
I think you did a wonderful job on your 25 things! I don't know where I would begin. So glad you enjoy your new home. I know you will have fun with your parents. Happy Valentine's Day!
Katy! You are crazy! I see no point in making my bed...ha. But guess what?!?! I have always wanted to start my own baking also!
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