And on with the Bad news... last friday night while Christopher was playing flag football he broke his hand. He dove after the other team to grab their flag and landed on his hand funny jamming it into the ground. We had to drive to Roseau Friday night, which is about an hour away, to the hospital to have it x-rayed. The Roseau hospital is the only place on the entire island that has an x-ray machine. I suppose it is because Roseau is the capital and is a city and all of the other places with medical clinics are mainly just small villages. I think the worst part of the whole trip was the ride to the hospital because well we get really car sick when we drive around here because the roads are very whindy and there are a lot of pot holes that the drivers are dodging. But he broke his fourth metacarpal on his left hand. Here is Chris's x-ray. I know its not a great picture because I took it with the webcam on the computer, because my camera is broken, but you get the idea, his hand is definitely broken.
So that is not so good news. But they put him in a cast. He has to leave it on for 6 weeks. We are going to have it looked at again when we get back to the States just to make sure that everything is healing okay. Christopher is not in any pain so that is a good thing but what a bummer.
And the ugly. I started playing bunco with a bunch of girls on Wednesday nights and it has gotten pretty ugly. Haha! Not really but it is so fun and it is really funny how competitive a game it gets. We play for money and also a gift prize depending on what part of the game you win. But the winner gets $60, the one who has the most buncos gets $30, the loser gets their money back and the Traveler gets the gift prize. We have so much fun.
The winners for the game: Martina, Joy, Me, and Liz
Having so much fun: Ashley, Me, Chika, and Briana
The group back row to front: Ashley, Ralna, Aileen, Summer, Me, Chika, Tricia, Crystal, Briana, Sarah, Liz, Allison, Martina, and Joy
OH NO! Hey Katy this is Krista. I am so sorry to hear that Chris actually did break his finger at the football game. How long does he have to wear the cast for?
Oh... i just finished reading... 6 weeks.
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