We finally found a way for us to get around. After debating a lot about whether or not to get a car, a scooter, or a bike we decided that a scooter was the best idea for now. A friend of ours got a car so if we ever needed to us a car we have access to one and it is really almost too far to bike and would cost the same to buy bikes as it would to rent the scooter. So we decided on the Scooter and so far we love it. I will admit I am a little nervous driving it but a little nervousness never hurt anyone I guess. It has been a great way for Christopher to get to campus and home, which I like because now he can come home for lunch. Before we were using the public bus system which is $1.25 one way so it was just a hassle. But we are happy with our new Scooter.
Last Thursday was our friend Adam's birthday. We all went out to dinner and came back to our place to have cake. I made him a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing. It was delicious. But we had a great time celebrating Adam's birthday.
On sunday we had a Super Bowl party at our house. We had a lot of fun. Adam brought Chili, Ilene and Knema brought guacomole and brownies, Raksha brought a chili layered dip, Chanel and Colt brought chip and Jered brought the drinks. Christopher and I just made a salad. We had so much fun. We were all rooting for the Cardinals so we were kind of disappointed in the outcome. But oh well it was a fun party and anything that can get these guys away from studying for a few hours is always fun for me.
Here is the whole group watching the game.
Dave, Colt, Chanel, Dave, & Jeff
Ilene & Knema
Crazy Adam (Who won't take a good picture for me), Christopher (Thanks for smiling), & Jered (who is too cool to even look @ the camera)