Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's been awhile

I realized today that it has been awhile since my last post, so here is a little update on the Shadids. 

It has been raining like crazy here in Dominica. In like the last 2 weeks, I think we have had maybe 2 or 3 sunny days. Now when I say its raining its not just some little sprinkle, its a major down pour. It is kind of like the hardest rain you get in Oklahoma minus the major storm part of it all. It doesn't really thunder and lightening, it just rains and rains and rains. The worst part about it is that since we don't have a car we have to walk in the rain everywhere we go. So Chris has to walk in the rain to class and I get to walk in the rain to the grocery stores. Luckily we kind of knew that it rains here a lot in Dominica so we are prepared with our umbrellas and rain coats. Although it is almost way too hot to wear a rain coat here. Now on the good side the rain has really helped cool this place down. Now instead of sweating everywhere you go it is just hot where ever you go. I don't think that they know what cold weather is like here. 

So needless to say we have been spending a lot of time at home lately. Chris has began to try and study at home, which I really love because then I don't have to be by myself all of the time. I think he has been enjoying it as well but I am not sure how long it will last. He has his second big exam coming up 2 weeks from tomorrow. So please keep Christopher in your prayers as he prepares for his next exam. He has been doing so well so far so I know he is going to do really great. 

I have not really been baking as much anymore since I came back from the States. I think that I have just felt really lazy and haven't really wanted to. But yesterday since Chris was at home studying, I couldn't watch TV or put on music or talk for that matter because he needed it very quiet. So I baked. I made chocolate chip muffins and chocolate chip cookies, and some pico dip, along with an omelet for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and chicken and mash potatoes for dinner. So I spent my day yesterday cooking away. I have decided that I really enjoy cooking well mostly I enjoy baking but I don't think I should do it very much because we are going to come back festively plump if I continue days like yesterday. 

It has really been nice having some American food here since I got back. I brought back a lot of things with me from the States and it has just really made it feel more like home. It is amazing how great animal crackers can taste when you don't have access to them. Even iced tea is amazing. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mini 1...Check!

Christopher's first exam was on Monday and we got his results back yesterday. He did so great. We are so proud of his accomplishments. He studied so hard and we are excited to see his great results. First tests are normally pretty tough because you don't know how the professors will ask the questions, but Christopher did really great. For a great job well done I got Christopher a little surprise.

Yes Blue Bell Homemade ice cream. What a perfect way to say, have yourself a blue bell country day! Haha! We have never found any ice cream here except for local ice cream and it doesn't taste like real ice cream. So when I saw this at the store yesterday I just knew that Christopher needed it. Since I came back to Oklahoma recently I had the luxury of being able to eat ice cream, but Christopher hasn't had any since we left in April. So what a perfect time to have ice cream than after his first big test.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

From "Home" to "Home"

I think that I have truly been able to understand the famous saying "Home is where the Heart is". I have mixed feelings about it though. I made my trip to Oklahoma City for Emily and Michael Hemphill's Wedding, which was absolutely beautiful and they made the perfect Bride and Groom. It was especially nice to be able to see all of my friends and family. I realized that while being "Home" I didn't feel completely at home. And now that I am back "Home" I still don't feel completely at home. Now it may sound like an incredibly interesting statement but let me explain. I feel like the statement "Home is where the Heart is" is a very true statement because when I was in Oklahoma City I felt at home being with my family but not at home because I was not with the man I love. Now that I am back with the man I love I don't feel completely at home because I am not with the family I love. So I guess I just have to live with the mixed feelings of the statement. I will be at home wherever I am because I have someone I love close to me.

I had such a refreshing time being able to come home to civilization. It is absolutely amazing to me how different life here is on the island. I knew that it was different but I guess I had adapted so much to the island life that I just forgot. After stepping into the airport in San Juan I realized how fast past the United States is. Everyone is in a hurry all of the time. I have learned on the island to accept the slow simple life and I think I really enjoy it. Everyone here does what they want, when they want and in the U.S. everyone feels like they have so much to do and not enough time to do anything. Many times I feel like they forget what is most important in life. Just being with the ones you love and enjoying their company.

Now don't get me wrong I would rather be living in the United States but I have come to realize that the short time we are here is not as bad as it may have seemed. Although I really will miss my long HOT showers, hot water to wash the dishes in, a comfy bed to sleep on (that has lots of pillows), and most of all the luxury of being so close to drive to see all of my family and friends. I am just glad I am back with Christopher, helping him become the Doctor that he wants to be.

Please keep Christopher in your prayers this week as he takes his first big test on Monday. He has been studying so hard. He wakes up at about 6:30 and studies from about 7:30 in the morning until 10:00 at night. I just pray that his hard work will pay off for him.